Our Faqs

Some FAQ’s

General Questions

  • Are there any age restrictions for the events?

    There are no age restrictions for AfroFest and AfroStylez. AfroConnect and AfroBall are geared more towards adults, and AfroVoyage has specific age and health requirements due to the nature of travel.

  • What’s included in my ticket purchase?

    The ticket includes entry to the event, access to all attractions and entertainment. Specific inclusions vary per event and ticket type.

  • Who will be speaking at the AfroConnect Networking Event?

    We'll be hosting a variety of speakers from top companies in Indianapolis. Please vist the AfroConnect page to learn more

  • How can I purchase tickets to the events?

    Tickets for all AfroBall Indy events can be purchased on our website or on the individual Eventbrite pages for each event.

  • How can my company become a sponsor for AfroBall Indy?

    Please use the contact us form to learn more

  • Can I volunteer for AfroBall Indy?

    Absolutely, we appreciate all the help we can get. Please use the contact page to send us a message to learn more.

  • Can I return or exchange my ticket if I can no longer attend?

    All ticket sales are final but they are transferable. Please see our ticket policy for more details.

  • What does each AfroBall Indy event entail?

    Each event provides a unique experience – AfroFest celebrates culture through music, food, and games; AfroStylez showcases African fashion; AfroConnect fosters professional networking; AfroBall is a glamorous evening of celebration; and AfroVoyage is an annual trip to a different African country.

  • Can I attend all the events with one ticket?

    Each event requires a separate ticket, which can be purchased individually or in a bundle for added value.

  • Will there be parking available at the event venues?

    Each venue has its own parking policy. Details will be provided closer to the date of each event.

  • How can I become a vendor at AfroFest?

    Please reach out to us using the contact us form to learn more

  • Will there be any safety measures in place due to COVID-19?

    We will be following all local health and safety guidelines in place at the time of the events.

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    AfroBall Indy

    Hosted by Indy Black Professionals

    AfroBall Indy combines a cultural festival, fashion show, professional networking event, and grand finale ball, showcasing the vibrant African heritage. Get Your Tickets

    & Partners

    Thank you, sponsors and partners, for your invaluable support and generosity to support AfroBall Indy!
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